O, Lord, we praise Your Name
O Lord, we magnify Your Name
lyrics by Acappella
When we got home, Joseph could not understand why the girls wanted to give him so much attention and also wanted to meet his every need. He would give them “noises” to make them back off and he was always skeptical of their “gifts”. It broke my heart that he could not understand a child wanting to give him things because he had been around children for three years that had nothing to share with him. It also broke Sami’s heart because she wanted to love on him so badly but he was too afraid to let her and still is. When the girls tried to play with him and his toys, he would look at me like “Are you going to do anything about this because if you’re not, I am going to have to take matters into my own hands?” Then Joseph would start bringing down the house and Lili would say ”Joseph is so loud but he is so cute!” I agreed and tried to explain to Joseph that they wanted to play with him not take his toys but he didn’t understand. I tried to explain to the girls that they just have to give Joseph’s time and keep loving on him.
It has also been hard since no one is getting any sleep. Joseph is having a hard time adjusting to the time change and I am having a hard time trying to function. In fact, last night, Chris and I were driving to my Mom’s House to eat dinner and started arguing because we were both tired and feeling a little overwhelmed. The girls wanted to listen to Praise Music and started singing while the more mature adults were arguing up front. In the middle of the argument, Chris said, “Do you hear that?” I did. It was Joseph singing along with his sisters. Even though he didn’t realize it, he was singing praises to God in his own little voice and in his own little way. “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger” (Psalm 8:1-2). I knew the enemy wanted to steal our joy and cause us to forget what God had done for Joseph and for our family. Through the praises of children, God had silenced the voice of the enemy and reminded us not to magnify our problems but to magnify His Name.
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